Works With

Get your copy and design in seconds.
The fastest social media
creator in the world.
We use artificial intelligence to write your copy and use your brand collateral to create the design.
Works With
Why Prettysmart?
Upload your brand collateral, and prettysmart will design your posts according to your brand.
Just tell us what you want to say, and the AI will write the posts in literally seconds.
Whether it's a holiday greeting or a sale, choose a template and write your copy.
With the fastest tool on earth, you can create hundreds of posts a day.
Get access to thousands of free stock photos when creating your posts.
Our editor is easy and enjoyable, from minor to major changes.
See what we can do
How it works
Upload your brand
Upload your logo, font, and colors when you create your account
Tell us what you need
Then, tell us what you're looking for whenever you need a new post.
Create your post
You'll get fresh copy and design in seconds!
It's a small price to pay.
PrettySmart Pro
1 Brand
112 Generated Posts Per Month
Unlimited Templates
1 Users
Beta Access to New Features
PrettySmart Team
Personal onboarding
Access to all templates
Individual login for each agent
minimum 2 agents
PrettySmart Single User
Personal Onboarding
Access to all templates
Single user
PrettySmart Business
1 brand
Unlimited generated posts per month
Unlimited Templates
5 Users
Alpha access to new features
PrettySmart Agency
Social media plan
free editor
Unlimited AI Copy
Content creator custom tool
Frequently asked questions
Each time you generate a post you use one credit.
Go to My Brand page and feel free to change your brand.
The AI write the copy according to your business description, if the A.I is not accurate you might want to change your description.